Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The municipality of Kružlová
actively strives to develop the inclusive environment and high-quality coexistence between Roma and non-Roma population within the municipality. Despite municipality´s effort, we can often see that Roma children and youth, as well as non-Roma children from poor social conditions do not have any access to extracurricular activities or active spending of their free time. The municipality and its partnering villages of Rovné andHavranec also demonstrate a long-term interest in establishing a center, which would offer educational and sport activities, and would support the society without any prejudice, since still we are facing many forms of discrimination and intolerance. MORE ABOUT THE PROJECTThe Development of physical and mentalabilities of children and youth in themunicipality of Kružlová benefits from a € 352701 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 52905 €. The aim of the project is to create a multifunctional center for the development of physical and mental abilities of children and youth.
Based on these facts, we plan to organize following activities within the project::

1. Building of sports facilities for the development of physical and mental abilities of the children and youth in the municipality of Kružlová

2. Education courses on the employment support

3. Series of lectures linked with the historical interpretation of the hate speech, radicalization, and non-discrimination

4. Cultural and art education for the support of the return to Roma roots

5. Dissemination and promotion

Partnership with a Norwegian partner
Partner from Norway – DMP Bodo has extensive experience in creating promotional materials and designs and will help us in the project with the implementation of promotional activities.
We also see partnership as an exchange of experience, know-how and best practices on both sides of the cooperation.
The donor partner will design unified presentation of project results and the Roma culture. Since by the project performance, the applicant chooses the inclusive and unified approach, there is also an interest in creating a unified model, which could be used on promotional materials, websites, in correspondence, etc.
Thanks to this the project concept and the Roma culture will be easily recognized, and the project results will be communicated easily and effectively. This way, the applicant will ensure high level of awareness and the interest in the project. The partner has rich experience with the creation of promotional materials and designs.
This partnership will strengthen bilateral relationships between Slovak and Norwegian subjects, because the project will be an example of good practices on both sides of the partnership. A wider impact of the partnership can be seen in possible development of more similar partnerships of subjects from Slovakia and Norway.
Thanks to this the project concept and the Roma culture will be easily recognized, and the project results will be communicated easily and effectively. This way, the applicant will ensure high level of awareness and the interest in the project. The partner has rich experience with the creation of promotional materials and designs.
This partnership will strengthen bilateral relationships between Slovak and Norwegian subjects, because the project will be an example of good practices on both sides of the partnership. A wider impact of the partnership can be seen in possible development of more similar partnerships of subjects from Slovakia and Norway.